Thursday, February 7, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Boo Superbowl

Well, my Packers couldn't pull it off. But at least it's the Giants and Patriots, not the Cowboys and Patriots. @ that point, all you can do it pray for injuries.

Monday, January 7, 2008


So apparently no one in Kansas has ever heard of the greatness that is Rock Band. I have to say that is probably my favorite video game ever, and I've caught myself drumming along to all my favorite songs in real life. Good news, parents! I've finally found my calling in life. If anyone knows of a band looking for a kick-ass drummer...pass my number along. P.S. I miss my bandmates!

Friday, January 4, 2008


First post of the new year. That's all I'm saying.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Crappy Bloggers

Just saying that all you fremamilians have really slacked in your blogging responsibilities. We're about production here! Mush! I want some prolific bloggers, else I'm gonna blog all over ya face!

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Gainful Employment Dance

. . . is a dance we should all do for Krisit, who just got a job in Manhattan, KS!!!

p.s. Did you know that Bob Dole is from Kansas?? Just saying.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


So, as most of you know, Wichita blows. Hard. The stairs are narrow, the buildings are short, and people want to take your stuff. As I am a perpetual optimist, I was willing to overlook most of these badsad facts until this morning. It was then, dear readers, that I discovered that I WON'T HAVE INTERNET AT MY HOUSE UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY. WTF?????!?!$PUI($UP@$ULASDJHJLSAJFHSLJDF. Now that I have no friends, I anticipated that internet would hold me through those long and lonely nights. Instead, I have resigned myself to watching Gilmore Girls DVDs and crying myself to sleep.

On a completely unrelated note, I have made a few friends. We went to this gay bar called Fantasy and enjoyed a thoroughly mediocre Drag show. It's comforting to know that some things (like lame drag queens) just don't change.

love from Kansas. xoxoxoxoxo