Monday, March 26, 2007

The Hills

I feel like total nerd admitting that I watch The Hills but I do. And I love it. I even get emotional watching the touching parts like when Whitney just fell down on her GMA debut. Oh snap that would be embarrassing. Other embarrassing shows I have watched tonight include: Dancing with the Stars...umm ok that was about it but geez that wasn't very cool. Anybody else have any shows they want to admit to?? I kind of need a boost on my TV watching...

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Happy birthday to Mom, who turns "30" today! Hope it turns out to be wonderful!

Just for general interest, you share your birthday with such luminaries as Reese Witherspoon and William Shatner, and such less lumnaries as the mime Marcel Marceau and Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah.

Yay for birthdays!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Work Butt

Ok something I've been contemplating over the past few days. Even if your boss seems really nice and is super fun to work with, if she creates a personalized candy drawer for you...she's only doing it for a few reasons. Here are some that I came up with: 1) she wants to make/keep you fatter than her to make you look like the new slob at work, 2) she wants to make/keep you fat and happy so you are tricked into thinking the job is more fun than it is, 3) she just likes to laugh at what little willpower you have against the evil dark chocolate lurking in your top desk drawer. I just joined Curves and had my first workout today, so I resolve that first thing tomorrow I am giving the candy back. I will not be suckered into being one of those ladies whose buns exactly fit between the arms on her desk chair. By the way, if anybody likes dark chocolate and Snickers the new Dark Snickers is really awesome. I have three of them in my candy drawer if anyone wants me to save one for them.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Wild Hogs

A movie must see if comedy is your angle...Wild Hogs. Very funny without much substance. Great if you want to leave your mind at home and just laugh.

Baby Got Back.

A new twist on an old favorite.

I have the mp3 ripped if anyone wants it.

Since there's been some favorable response, here's a link to a site where you can listen to his music. And here's his own website.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

I am Ty

This is a tribute to TY...Barker at Walkers...Destroyer of Ta-das and Stealer of Mogarcycles. If anyone would like to tell of their fondest memories of him please do so...I will be checking to see what you remember.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Formal Apology

I would like to issue a formal apology to Chick-Fil-A. For years, I have consistently underrated their establishment, believing them to be just another fast food outlet. It has been my recent experience, however, that this is clearly not the case. In every location I have visited, the staff has been friendly and courteous, the prices are reasonable, and the food is both consistent and delicious – particularly the breakfast burrito that I had this morning courtesy of The Hartford Company which was better than it had any right to be. And while I will not be making Chick-Fil-A one of my “must haves,” I will no longer protest it on face as a suggestion.

I will, however, continue to curse it as I drive by on Poplar. A chicken sangwich, no matter how delicious, cannot possibly be good enough to justify stopping traffic on a six lane street.